Welcome to Gamerstactics new series Daily Brain Teasers , where we bring you fun and challenges every day with our “Daily Brain Teasers.” This would be perfect if you’re trying to sharpen your mind, Take a break from your busy routine, or just enjoy a mental break. Our daily nods are designed to stimulate your cognitive skills and keep you entertained. Every day, we’ll bring you a new block breaker that tests logic, creativity and problem-solving abilities. challenge your brain and see how quickly you can solve today’s teaser. Let’s get those neurons firing!
December 24
The Riddle
Brain Teaser: Riddle
I am always hungry, but I never eat.
I am always thirsty, but I never drink.
I can be filled, but I never overflow.
What am I?
Q. Can you solve this one?
The answer is: A sponge.
A sponge is always thirsty because it absorbs water, but it never drinks like a living being. It is also always hungry as it can soak up liquids but never “eats” them in the traditional sense. And while it can be filled with water, it does not overflow under normal conditions.